Grand Rapids Mortgage



Pre-Qualify for a Mortgage

The first thing you want to do when seriously looking for a home is to get pre-qualified for a mortgage.  There is nothing worse than finding the perfect home and not being able to buy it because you don't have your financing in order.  Getting pre-qualified will put you at an advantage against other buyers that have not.

Fill out the quick pre-qualification form below.  The information will be sent to one of my preferred lenders.  They will usually inform you the same day what amount you qualify for and can discuss with you the different financing options.


Privacy Policy

Primary Borrower:
First Name          Middle Initial    
Last Name
Home Address                     
Phone Number                      (City,  State,  Zip)
E-Mail Address
Secondary Borrower:  (If any)
First Name          Middle Initial    
Last Name
Home Address                    
Phone Number                      (City,  State,  Zip)
Income And Job Info:
Estimated yearly income from all borrowers
(i.e. Husband & Wife, Mother & Adult Daughter, Single, Etc)
1st Income    $  
Salary    Hourly    Commission    Self    Other
2nd Income   $  
Salary    Hourly    Commission    Self    Other    N/A
How much cash do you have to put down on a home?       Zero    3%    More
(Tell us anything you think we should know about your situation.)
Certification: Do you certify that you are in-fact the person whom has been identified at the beginning of this form and are at least eighteen years of age or older.
 Yes     No     Initial     


Your information will be sent to a qualified loan officer.


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This website, including but not limited to: text, layout, and design is copyrighted
and not to be copied or reproduced without the expressed permission of Robert Young.
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